Individual Therapy
You are looking to collaborate with your therapist to help you figure things out. You ambition a therapeutic relationship where you and your therapist focus on exploring your feelings, sorting out your thoughts, and changing your behaviors. You want someone to challenge you but also be empathetic towards you.
Ponciano Counseling therapists can help you figure out the best approach to confront your problems. We can work with you to develop your thoughts and feelings in a calm, honest, and trustful environment. We can help identify your strengths, and patterns of behaviors, and help you discover new opportunities to stimulate hope, courage, self-growth, and value for yourself.
We can assist you in implementing various goals and values that are meaningful to you. Imagine yourself as a successful and courageous individual that is able to face hardship with strength. We can help you develop the confidence and tools to take back your life. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.